Top-Ranked Education
The vision of the School of Medicine is that each person in New Jersey and in the United States, regardless of race of socioeconomic status, will enjoy the highest levels of wellness in an economically and behaviorally sustainable fashion. The Office of Medical Education (OME) is responsible for developing and implementing an exceptional curriculum that creates physicians who are able to meet this goal.
Bringing the SOM’s big vision down to the level of an individual medical student, we ask ourselves – who will a SOM graduating medical student be? You might ask yourself, how can you, as a person applying to medical school move us towards improving the health and wellbeing of a population? What skills, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors will you have on graduation day that move us all towards this important goal?
All of our graduates will integrate into their usual practice and understanding of:
- The role of community and context on health outcomes
- The many drivers of health outcomes—the Determinants of Health—including social, biologic/genetic, behavioral, economic, and environmental factors
- How to effectively use evidence to drive medical decision making
- The impact of healthcare system fragmentation on health outcomes
Whatever field our students enter, they will need to incorporate these critical attributes. In addition, our graduates will have a deep understanding of how systems – defined broadly – impact health outcomes, and how they can be designed and redesigned to meet a goal. Therefore, our graduates will also be leaders in many sectors – from health systems, to public health, to policy.
Our graduates will shape the health care system and workforce of the future to be one that:
- Is not confined to the walls of hospitals or medical offices
- Seamlessly integrates with community-based activities and agencies
- Utilizes advanced technology and other systems to promote continuity, communication, and patient-centered care
- Has a physician workforce optimized to produce high quality, high value, equitable health care
Academic Departments

Academic departments at the Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine house our teaching faculty. Please press learn more below to read more about our departments and the school’s medical science and physician educators.

The Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine has a 3+1 curriculum, with a three-year core curriculum and an Individualization Phase (Phase 3) during the fourth year. Phase 1 (Fundamentals); Phase 2 (Immersion): and Phase 3 (Self-Directed).
Graduate Medical Education

The Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine has created graduate medical education programs that will share the culture and mission of the SOM across the HMH network and creates alignment of our students, residents, fellows and faculty.
Additional Educational Programs

MedEd Scholarship and Innovation
The opportunity to build a school of medicine in a mission-driven way has enabled the SOM team to make intentional choices at every turn. The SOM Vision directly impacted the choices we have made about what to teach, how to teach, and how to structure the curriculum.

Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment
The mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment (OIEA) is to support the culture of continuous improvement and evidence-based decision-making, strategic goals of the school, and meet the reporting requirements of the government and accrediting agencies by providing accurate and reliable data, metrics, and dashboards in a timely manner.

Instructional and Curricular Design
The Instructional and Curricular Design Unit provides the curricular tools, templates and development opportunities to faculty to aid in the design development and improvement of the SOM’s competency-based curriculum.